Chronicles of the Conceptionally Challenged

Just another long and winding road to motherhood…hopefully

Blogging with a baby is hard June 11, 2014

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I realized it’s going on two months since I have made a blog entry and I’m totally blaming the baby. Finding time to blog with a baby who usually doesn’t nap well and is not content to sit and play unassisted is damn near impossible. So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks I doubt I will remember all of them.

We made it through the 4 month sleep regression relatively unscathed. Three weeks of waking usually 3 times a night was slowly breaking me though because at the same time she started waking up at 6am EVERY DAY. I was feeling very much like a zombie mom again but then as soon as the wake ups started they stopped. She still has nights that she might wake up once and she is still waking up so freakin early but my body has adjusted and I am used to waking with the birds now. This is a big adjustment for me because I am so not a morning person. My Keurig is working over time these days.

I wanted to make a separate post about the week I was a single mom but I just could not find the time so I’m just going to talk about it now. Mr. Big Guy went away on a fishing trip for a week with his uncle who he really considers his father. They go away once every year in the spring or fall. When I was pregnant Mr. Big Guy asked if it would be okay to go and I said sure thinking that by 5 months old our baby would be a breeze to take care of alone for a week. Little did I know what a challenging kid P would be. We survived the week and I didn’t even need to ask for any help from any grandparents. We actually had a fairly good week. I had decided ahead of time that I would work on getting P to nap in her crib rather than her stroller during our alone time and that I would stay at home every day if necessary to be consistent. I am happy to report that naps now happen in her crib every day unless we are out running errands etc. During my week of single parenting P started to randomly nap longer than the typical 30 minutes. Some days she will nap for 1-2 hours twice a day and other days she will nap for 45 minutes 3 times. It is not consistent when the longer naps happen though but I will take the nice break when I can. I did no nap training to extend her naps but I did start to put her down awake at nap times and she did cry in the beginning and still does some days but never more than about 10 minutes or so. I think she is just naturally falling into a nap schedule finally! Let’s hope it sticks!  Even though we had a good week along together I was exhausted by the time Mr. Big Guy came home. I have no idea how single mothers/fathers do it 24/7! 

What else has happened lately? P is sitting up on her own pretty much. I have to sit near her or surround her with pillows still as she still has a tendency to topple over every once in a while.  She has really found her voice just in the last few days. She is squealing and babbling a lot… Especially at daddy. We have yet to hear a true belly laugh from her though. She is super curious about food and stares at us when we eat and tries to grab at our food. I haven’t stared solids yet but am researching baby-led weaning and plan to start within the next week. She slept in another boys bed already!!! We had a play date and she was cranky so she napped in my friend’s sons crib without a problem.  She is rolling over and just this week has started to do it in her sleep but gets stuck on her belly and wakes up crying and then I have to resettle her or sometimes even feed her to settle her. She knows how to roll both ways but seems to forget how to go from belly to back in the night. It’s super frustrating when she wakes up because of this because she is so upset it takes a while for her to calm down.  She has found her feet and is constantly grabbing them and shoving them in her mouth. It’s adorable… Except at diaper change time. 

My first Mother’s Day was uneventful. Mr. Big guy worked all day so there was no pampering but I did get a gift. Gift certificate
for the spa that I can’t wait to use. I spent the afternoon with my mother visiting my grandmother in the nursing home and it was a beautiful day so we all sat outside. P makes my grandmothers day every time we visit so it was a nice thing to do on Mother’s Day for my gram. 

Im sure I’m missing a ton of things but it’s late and miss P will be awake early as usual so I need to get to bed. I’m going to try to post more than once a month going forward…..


One Response to “Blogging with a baby is hard”

  1. missjenz Says:

    Aw, I’m so happy for you that sleep and nap time has gotten better. I’m sure now that everyone is sleeping more your whole house is calmer and happier!

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